Diversity Tour helping to bridge growing gaps among different religion’s youth in Pakistan by pointing out the commonalities of all faiths and by fostering interfaith understanding and cooperation, this program created an environment where religious factors are set aside and relationships and partnerships among diverse youth can develop for the peace and development in Pakistan.
On May 26, 2012 Interfaith Youth in Action/World Faith Pakistan and Youth Development Foundation organized bus tour to worship places
in Lahore where 58 youth members from different religious and faiths have participated to advance interfaith relationship and cooperation.
The tour have provided unique experience and an opportunity to take a visit to worship places and learn more about the beliefs, practices and customs of local faith traditions and to explore local diversity for peace and harmony. Group has visited Churches, Mosque, Baha’i Temple, Hindu Mandir, Sikh Gurdwara in Lahore.
All members welcome by host community youth and briefed by
their religious leaders followed by Question Answers session regarding their
faith, traditions, conflicts and history. By this event I got some friends from Christian, Hindu and Sikh communities which never happened in my life before. Through this friendship we will contribute in the bridge building process among faiths and try to inspire others as well. (Anila Noor IYA Participant) Baha’I community youth serve refreshment and share material about their faith by visiting their community center at Lahore.
Through this event we provided safe space to diverse youth for sharing, learning and understanding other faith traditions and realities for reducing misconceptions and advancing relationship building.
(Shahid Ghouri Founder & Director IYA/WFP)
Youth should get chance to solve ongoing interfaith gaps by practical action with friendly activities instead of Interfaith dialogue seminars and conferences in artificial environments which less effective in Pakistani context.(Fr Ashraf Gill Catholic Youth Director ).
In the end of the day all participants get chance to share their learning and feeling with the group by giving recommendation for future interfaith dialogues as fellow up work.
1.Youth should get chance to utilize his potentials and creative ideas in interfaith dialogues and ecumenism. (Christian Participants)
2.Our religious leaders should engage youth to solve ongoing
religious gaps for peace and development in Pakistan.(Muslim & Hindu
3.Interfaith dialogues cell should be develop at every educational institution to educate, interact and to develop relations among diverse youth.(All Participants)
On May 26, 2012 Interfaith Youth in Action/World Faith Pakistan and Youth Development Foundation organized bus tour to worship places
in Lahore where 58 youth members from different religious and faiths have participated to advance interfaith relationship and cooperation.
The tour have provided unique experience and an opportunity to take a visit to worship places and learn more about the beliefs, practices and customs of local faith traditions and to explore local diversity for peace and harmony. Group has visited Churches, Mosque, Baha’i Temple, Hindu Mandir, Sikh Gurdwara in Lahore.
All members welcome by host community youth and briefed by
their religious leaders followed by Question Answers session regarding their
faith, traditions, conflicts and history. By this event I got some friends from Christian, Hindu and Sikh communities which never happened in my life before. Through this friendship we will contribute in the bridge building process among faiths and try to inspire others as well. (Anila Noor IYA Participant) Baha’I community youth serve refreshment and share material about their faith by visiting their community center at Lahore.
Through this event we provided safe space to diverse youth for sharing, learning and understanding other faith traditions and realities for reducing misconceptions and advancing relationship building.
(Shahid Ghouri Founder & Director IYA/WFP)
Youth should get chance to solve ongoing interfaith gaps by practical action with friendly activities instead of Interfaith dialogue seminars and conferences in artificial environments which less effective in Pakistani context.(Fr Ashraf Gill Catholic Youth Director ).
In the end of the day all participants get chance to share their learning and feeling with the group by giving recommendation for future interfaith dialogues as fellow up work.
1.Youth should get chance to utilize his potentials and creative ideas in interfaith dialogues and ecumenism. (Christian Participants)
2.Our religious leaders should engage youth to solve ongoing
religious gaps for peace and development in Pakistan.(Muslim & Hindu
3.Interfaith dialogues cell should be develop at every educational institution to educate, interact and to develop relations among diverse youth.(All Participants)